Alternate post title:
Max still loves play doh and I still love Trix
Being a mother is awesome for many reasons, one of them being that I can play with stuff I loved as a kid. Last week I posted about Max loving play doh. Usually he loves something for a week or so, then he’s over it. He still loves it this week.
Crazy kid! He reminded me of Miss Lippy the crazy art teacher in the movie Billy Madison when she rubbed the glue on her face lol!
Being a mother of a toddler also means that sometimes I ditch my usual egg whites every now and then to share a bowl of Trix with Max. Gawwwwd I forgot how delicious fruity, sugary cereal is! After downing almost a half of a box, I decided to make them into dessert. Things got interesting from there. This bars are perfect to whip up for a picnic because they are no bake, cheerfully bright and well, they have Trix in them.
- 1 Stick of butter
- 1 bag of mini marshmallows
- 6 cups of Trix cereal
Melt butter in a large pan, add marshmallows until they melt too. Remove from heat. Stir in cereal until evenly coated. Put in a greased glass dish. Cool completely, cut and enjoy!
OMG this looks delicious and soooo friggen easy! I love it, def going to do it for a picnic, great for those not into baking hahah 🙄 xoxo Nikki
In the summer I hunt for no-bake recipes! Plus this one is quick 🙂 .