*long dramatic sigh*
It’s quirky, well-made, free-spirited and gorgeous. I love that the store doesn’t just sell clothing and accessories. They sell home stuff too. Like, really really nice home stuff. I wish I could say screw the mortgage this month, let’s just buy all new bedding, colorful dishes and sparkly cabinet knobs. But, as the old saying goes…
“I went into education for the money,” said no teacher ever.
Until I find the time and patience to D-I-Y all of this, let me share with you guys some gorgeous Anthro eye candy on this lovely Tuesday…
The Georgina Bedding.
The traveler’s chest.
The large Elbridge Island.
Mother of Pearl Knob.
Festival Rug.
Gold Dipped Flatware.
Hekki Jeweled iPhone Case
Straight Shot Necklace.
There are actually some pretty affordable things here. My problem is I want ALL of it. Greed & Lust my friends. Greed and Lust. If you’d like to contribute to the “Mindy Needs All Of The Above Foundation” , holla at your girl 😉
Holla! Well I wish I could … Lol!! The good thing they do have some pretty decent sales!
It’s like that bedding was made for you….
Wait, I’m not helping. 😉
I just had an eyegasm over the gold-dipped silverware. You’ve got to be kidding me!!! #someday