Many people have a fear of change. I am not one of those people. I love a good makeover. Look at Madonna for example. She constantly reinvents herself! Sometimes it works out beautifully.
Sometimes, not so much.
Either way, it’s a sign that you’re evolving. I see it as a good thing. Change means growth.
Our dining room buffet table was the home of these lamps that I D-I-Yed a couple of years ago. I bought them at Goodwill and spray painted them, added a few handmade fabric flowers to the burlap shades (see how to make over your lamp here).
Well, I’m kind of over them. Mr. FSL was over them the day that I brought them home. He hates burlap *gasp*. That’s a whole different domestic dispute that I won’t get into right now. I knew that I wanted something more sleek. I love the idea of bulbous clear glass bases. Glass doesn’t take up any space visually. I spotted cloche lamp bases at Target for about $40 each. That’s $80 for a set and that doesn’t include shades. Mmmm no.
I was food shopping and wandered into the random “close out” section of the store. I spotted the exact lamp bases I have been lusting over with THIS price tag…
Two weeks later, I was perusing the end caps of Tar-jay and saw these Nate Berkus lampshades on clearance for $12.48 each *drops to the floor*.
The shades don’t fit exactly snug and it’s a little wonky. They’re supposed to fit, but I’ll have to rig it somehow soon.
I was kind of worried that the black shades wouldn’t make the room as bright as before, so I placed the lamps on two mirrors. They help reflect the light up and outward.
It’s the first step to making over the dining area. What do you guys think? Find any good stuff on clearance lately?
Love the makeover!! I know what you mean about Target lamps. I can never bring myself to spend that much on one base!
Min…I love the new lamps!!!!! it looks great!
Love it! I found 2 king pillowcases at Target on Sunday for $3.88 that I totally intend on turning into pillow covers for the pillows in the living room.
Holy deals Batman!! Love the lamps. Very Mindy. Can’t wait to see how the room evolves!