Millions of women are working moms. For some reason I always thought this fact would make me be totally cool with going back to work full time. Or handling the fact that somebody other than myself will be caring for my whole universe.
Yesterday I officially went back to work after almost three months of maternity leave. The anxiety leading up to leaving Max for a full work day was horrible. I was a wreck. I welled up in tears every time I thought about it. I can’t think about Max rolling over or taking his first step at daycare and me missing it. It sounds a bit dramatic if you don’t have kids I guess. I would have thought I was ridiculous too, until I became a mom. I busted out the tissues this week.
I did everything I could think of to troubleshoot Max’s day to make it easy on my father-in-law (he will watch the little guy one day a week, and the baby will go to a home daycare for the other four days). I wrote down his eating, sleeping, and diaper habits and routines along with emergency numbers. I also posted his feeding schedule.
The morning was rough for me. Max was so snuggly it was so difficult to leave him.
Luckily I work in a very fast paced environment. As an art teacher, my day changes every forty-five minutes or so. The day went by very quickly. I only called to check on him 3 times 🙁 . I don’t know if his photo on my desk is making it harder for me or better. In time I’m sure it will get easier. Like my co-workers and friends have been telling me, almost everybody does this.
Are you a working mother? Is there anything that I can do to make this transition easier to swallow?
I have trouble leaving my dog so I’m assuming something from my uterus would be many times harder.
Hang in there!!
Thanks Michelle. I still feel guilty leaving Rocco also, believe me. You’re 100% right. It’s definitely harder when there’s a genetic bond lol!
Awwww… You made me tear up!! I’ve so been there! It’s tough and no one will take that away from you. Hang in there it does get easier , not that that helps that much! For me, I try to focus and think about the Time I am with him vs thinking about the time I’m not with him because it will drive me crazy if I focus on that. Hang in there and take solice knowing you are not alone;)
Thanks Heather!! I know it’s important to focus on the positive. Sometimes I just need to be reminded. And, uuuummmmmm….CONGRATULATIONS!!! Mary told me the great news! Hope you’re feeling well 🙂
I have a hard time leaving my cats in the morning, my female cat who is my baby gurl makes me want to call into work! LOL I know when i do have a baby one day i am not going to be able to be a stay at home mom, but man i was i had millions like Kim Kardashian so i could stay home and focus on my child and not miss a thing, i also fear of daycare’s because kids get sick easily. I think it will get easier for you because alot of my friends end up loving being at work when there child is 2 years old! LOL
Thanks Cheryl, I know I’ll be okay. I have a few friends that refer to work as a vacation lol!