It’s no secret that I get insanely excited about a good deal on something expensive(ish). Especially when that something is an item that I’ve been eye-ing for months.
I refuse to pay the $40 pricetag on a decorative birdhouse. No matter how adorable I think it is… and how perfectly it matches my Restoration Hardware mirror I practically stole from TJ Maxx. The birdhouse used to live at Michael’s Crafts.
I was zooming down the aisles of the store (for a new project that I just completed! I’ll post it very soon) when I spotted it in the “End of Season Clearance” section.
At 70% off plus my 20% off the entire purchase coupon, I snatched that birdhouse off the shelf faster than a chubby kid gobbling up the last oreo in the jar.
Yep. I scored this thing for four smackers *pats self on back*. I can’t wipe this smug grin off of my face every time I walk through my front door to see this looking back at me.
Any sweet deals for you lately?
Actually, I got a great deal from Goodwill. LOL!
They have lamps there – super cheap @ $4.94 – and grabbed this blue & white lamp. It’s old fashioned, traditional, but I love it! Then I went to Tarzhey and found a kick ass funky shade to put on top for about $8. Went downtown with some friends today – one loves antiques, so stopped into an antique store, saw a similarly patterned lamp with a traditional shade on it for $85!! You never know where or when you’ll find a bargain!!!
Hope you’re feeling great and doing well!
i love this birdhouse!!!! get me one if you see it again!!