Today is a big day. My sister and her boyfriend are driving from our little hometown in Connecticut across the country to California. It’s bittersweet for me. As a big sister, I’m proud of her for following her heart. As a person, I admire the fact that she is brave enough to pick up and start over somewhere new and different. As a hormonal roller coaster, I am sad. I already miss my baby sister.
* Side note about the post title* Her name is Michelle, but when she was little she used to pronounce it “Mush-elle” so she ended up with the nickname Mushy.
I’m worried about her not knowing anyone out there, about the long drive, and everything else in between.
She’s not going to see my belly growing bigger, she’s going to miss such a huge part of my life. I feel so selfish for being upset and even a little resentful about the whole situation. Is it wrong of me to feel like this? I can’t figure it out.
Either way, I hope she will come to visit when her niece or nephew is born and around the holidays. Family is still family no matter how much distance is between. Plus, it’s a good excuse to go on vacation 😉
Have you ever had a close family member move far away? How did you deal? Any advice for this sad sack of a blogger?
Mindy, very emotional post. Change is always hard. You wouldn’t be normal if you didn’t feel what you’re feeling. It won’t be the same… but…She will visit. We will visit.
I think what you are feeling is normal, its not wrong of you to feel selfish either. Having a baby is a important thing and not have your sister experience it with you will be hard. Im sure she will feel sad also when the baby is born and she isnt there to hold him or her. I met one of my friends babies 3 months after she had him and i feel soooo guilty! I wanted so bad to hold him when he was tiny, i felt and still feel i missed out on the BEST part, she moved to AZ last summer and she just had daughter and when i see the pics its heartbreaking to me i am missing out on this one as well! On the other hand Cali will be a great and warm place to visit!
Thanks for making me feel better about feeling upset Cheryl.
Awww…Mindy….I didn’t know about this. Such a hard thing since you two are sooo close. As everyone has said, it is normal to feel this way and I am sure she is feeling just as sad. Lot’s skyping, lot’s of pictures and lot’s of visits. xoxo
Yes, Skype will be our new BFF
I will be there when you have my niece/nephew and visit as much as I can! At least we have skype, instagram, twitter, your blog and the phone to keep in contact! Not like ages ago when all they had were letters! I can’t wait to see your baby grow and I will be a part of this experience with you as much as I can! I love u Madge thank u for always being there for me! I am looking forward to a new start and seeing new things, I have to try or I’ll never know!
🙁 Can’t type my thoughts right now 🙁
I can absolutely relate to this. My sister moved to Seattle 4 years ago and I was so angry, hurt, and sad for a long time. Living in CT, I knew I wouldn’t be seeing her much, but we texted, talked, emailed, and skyped which made it so much easier. Recently her and her husband moved to Pittsburgh, not quite as close as I was hoping! But we each take the time to fly to each other when we can and we are also pregnant together right now (she’s due 7 days after me!). We definitely did not plan to be pregnant at the same time…my poor mom and dad are beside themselves not knowing which direction they’ll have to travel to be there for the births…but it’s been fun to send each other pics of our bumps. My advice would just be: don’t let a day go by that you don’t contact her in some way, even if it’s just a text. And it does get easier as time goes on!
Thank you for this. It made me feel better 🙂 OMG! You’re both pregnant and within a week?! What are the chances?! That’s awesome that you are both going through the same thing at the very same time. That’s so great. It’s even better that your kids will be the same age!! Your poor parents is right!