Okay, I know. I know I said I’d have a series every week. It was one of my blog goals. Well, Eye Candy Fridays will return one day. For now, since I’ve got baby on the brain, I’m introducing the Friday’s Fruit series. I really want to document my pregnancy, so I’m doing it right here every week. On the website TheBump.com, as each week of your pregnancy goes by, you can get an idea of how big your baby is. They compare it to the size of a specific fruit. I’ll be including weekly belly pics and other weird things that happened over the course of the past week. Every Wednesday my pregnancy week changes. Right now I’m 15 weeks, but I’m only 2 days into this week, so I’m going to start with week 14 because I’ve “completed” 14 already.
Without further ado, Week 14…
How I’m feeling: Still working out regularly (light weights and cardio). The bump is little, but it’s there 🙂 because the pants are getting snug! I’m having a bit of on-again-off-again sciatic nerve pain-ouch!
Cravings: tomato sauce, balsamic vinegar, lemons
Aversions: asparagus, onions
Baby is the size of: a lemon
- He’s probably sucking his thumb and wiggling his toes in there!
- His kidneys are making urine, and his liver and spleen are doing their jobs, too.
- And he’s growing lanugo, a thin, peach-fuzz-like hair, all over his body — it will help him keep warm!
(information from thebump.com)
I love our little lemon!!!!!