I have an awesome co-worker. She cleans her house out and throws “stuff” away, like this basket. When I say throws stuff away I mean gives it to me 😀 Mr. FSL is usually not thrilled when I come home with “vintage items”. Well, keep this one on the hush. He’ll never notice (insert evil laugh here).
Her husband is a wine connoisseur. She brings me the corks. I love anything cork. Shoes, message boards, coasters, whatever.
My mom bought me this glass & metal hurricane thing-a-ma-bob that I loved from Kohls about a month ago. It was $90 originally, then marked down and we had a 30% off coupon so we ended up scoring this thing for $30. Sweet. I had it sitting on my dining room table for the past 4 weeks and it was just empty. Until now! Muahahahaha!
I added the corks that we saved from special occasions to give it a dorky sentimental vibe.
Free texture? Check. Personal Touch? Check. Has to do with wine? Double check. Yes, you read that one correctly. My sister likes asparagus with sand in it, lol! Long story.
Me likey.
Thats a lotta vino! I love it!
I love the idea of writing what the occasion was. Very cool 🙂 My niece made a wreath out of corks and it is adorable. Have you ever seen those?
Yeah! They are really cute. I also like the trivets made from corks glued together. Thanks for stopping by 🙂 Tell Uncle Johnny I said hello.
LMAO what does the asparagus have to do with yor wine corks?! listen times are tough and sometimes you have to just eat what ya got haha that was comical!
You wrote it! LOL! Someone forgot to wash the asparagus, Crrruuuunnnch