I’m entering my 15th week of pregnancy this week (there are 40 weeks in a typical pregnancy). I made my next 2 doctor appointments. The first one is 5/15 for a regular check up (check my blood pressure, weigh in, and listen to the baby’s heartbeat). The second visit is 5/30 for “The Big Ultrasound”. That visit will entail a ton of measurements to make sure the baby’s growth and development are on target and we can find out the gender.
*long sigh*
We are pretty stuck. We have no idea what we want to do! I’ve been making lists to see the pros & cons for finding out as well as being surprised.

If we find out the gender:
Pros- I can plan the nursery decor better, I might feel more of a connection with the baby if I know it’s my son or daughter that’s been burrowed in my belly, I can buy cute clothes, we only have to choose one name.
Cons- There’s no “It’s a ….!” moment of that true surprise.
If we opt for Team Green:
Pros: Maybe more anticipation and excitement, others that waited to find out at birth say it’s the best surprise ever.
Cons: I’m so impatient it might kill me. All of the yellow and green clothes we’ll get at the shower. We have to agree on 2 names.
What do you guys think?
Gf either way it will be a surprise, since you don’t know now. I say yes, you can be so much more prepaired and ready instead of doing everything last minute
Take care of you
Hugs Leila
True. It will still be a surprise, just a little earlier. Good point.
True. It will still be surprise, just a little earlier. Good point.
this is a tough one…..
We found out ahead of time. For me, there was no question.. I just knew we were going to find out. And I agree with Leila… it is still a wonderful surprise at the moment they tell you. Whether you’re seeing him or her on a screen, or in real life!
I wonder if you have a feeling either way? I just KNEW I was pregnant with a boy, and sure enough! Our sonographer told us that she thinks more often than not, mama’s already know. 🙂
As soon as we found out, I was positive it was a boy. Then I felt like I was too sure. Now I think it’s a girl lol!
That’s a tough question. I don’t think I’d be able to go 9 months without knowing. I think it would be fun to know ahead of time- you can plan the nursery better and who says you can’t pick out more than one name for the gender of the baby ahead of time and decide after he or she is born which fits best?
True. Good point. Hope you’re feeling better!!
See you tomorrow
find out!
I’m the most impatient person so I’m guessing I’ll have to know as soon as possible. It’s also annoying buying shower gifts when the parents don’t find out. Just saying. And isn’t finding out you’re pregnant a big enough surprise? 😉
I say find out. I know you and if you find out you will have plenty of time to decorate EXACTLY like you want and you have time to change what you may want to change. And as others said…you will just be surprised earlier that’s all 🙂 xoxo
Hi! I’m a total lurker on here, but had to chime in on this one! I’m actually scheduled for a c-section tomorrow morning!! My husband and I did NOT find out he gender, and it’s sooo exciting. Yes, it was hard going that long without knowing, and a lot of people surprisingly were upset by our decision, but we didn’t care. As far as planning the nursery, we always planned to keep things mostly gender neutral anyway, because we don’t believe that girls should only be pretty princesses and only boys should be sports/rough and tumble. Plus I hate pink, so even it’s a girl there will be minimal pink (until she’s old enough to request it). I also hate when people complain that they need to know in order to buy shower gifts – you’re supposed to buy what the parents need/want on from their registry anyway!! Either way, it’s solely up to you and your husband, so don’t let others talk you into one way or the other. Just wanted to let you know that we couldn’t be happier that we waited 🙂 Good luck to the 3 of you!
YAY for soooo many reasons! Good luck tomorrow!!! How exciting is that?! I’m finding that people are very sensitive about this subject too lol! Some people are a bit upset when I say we might not find out the gender. I agree. It’s our decision and everyone will just have to deal. I also don’t want a super pink girl room or blue for boy. The furniture, car seat, stroller, etc will be neutral anyway. We hope to have one more 🙂 so it would be silly to go and buy those big items again because they are hot pink.
So glad you de-lurked! Please check back in with a baby update!
hugs & baby kisses,
My plan (this is a long ways away) is to find out the gender. For one thing, I’m too impatient to wait 9 months and secondly, I want to buy gender appropriate clothing! Dresses for a little girl and cute overalls for a boy. 🙂