Since it’s baby week, I’m gonna let it all hang out. Here are a bunch of little discoveries, mini-dramas, and random weirdness that happened all in my first 3 months of pregnancy. I’m going to be completely candid with this one This is me 100% honest and 100% hormonal. Don’t judge.
How I found out: this little critter came as a total surprise! I was late (which is normal for me), husband ran out and bought the test, took the test, and thought for SURE I wasn’t pregnant so I didn’t check it right away. He checked it and told me!
My first reaction: Disbelief!!! I was crying because I was so happy, excited, nervous, scared…every emotion you could ever imagine just hitting me all at once. I still can’t believe I will be responsible for another human’s life.
People annoy me when: they tell you all of their birthing and pregnancy horror stories when you barely even know them. I think this is truly bizarre. It happens all the time. If you are one of these people, stop now. Every pregnancy is different. Don’t scare the life out of some over-hormonal bag of emotions for no reason. Actually, here’s a good one. A girl at the gym who was about 5 years younger than me overheard someone & I having a conversation about being pregnant. The random blurts out, “Ew! I never want to be pregnant” . Enter Cray Cray…
Something you may not have noticed until 3 seconds ago: Hormones make me a crazy person. My scary alter ego comes out occasionally for unexplainable reasons. When Cray Cray comes out of her cage, hide.
I thought I’d miss: drinking!
Why I wasn’t overcome with insane baby-mania right away: I was too sick to think about anything but knowing that one day this feeling will pass and it’s for a good reason so suck it up (or try). I was insanely sick. Almost everyone I know personally that has been pregnant or is pregnant has had very little to no “morning sickness”. I put in in quotes because it was all day long for me. Picture the very worst hangover of your life for 6 weeks without letting up. Yeah. Like that. I couldn’t believe that this tiny speck was causing such a commotion in my body!
Other 1st trimester symptoms I had: The, um, “girls” had their own growth spurt and now have their own zip code thankyouverymuch. And they hurt so badly when anything touched them (like water in the shower). I discovered a spider vein on the back of my leg and had a total meltdown in the Target dressing room complete with tears. Mood swings (I already introduced you to Cray Cray). Really wild dreams. Forgetfulness AKA baby brain. Bloat. In the morning my stomach was flat. By 8:00 pm I looked like I had a toddler in there!
The next 2 symptoms deserve their own bullets.
Food aversions: I never heard of this until I was experiencing it. Foods I usually love, I couldn’t even look at. The sight of raw meats (bye bye crockpot dinners), cooked meats *gag*, oatmeal, most veggies (the kale chip post was really hard to write. I made these before I had symptoms and posted the recipe after I started wanting to gag), especially asparagus (I still can’t even smell it without gagging), mint anything (yes, this included toothpaste. I switched to cinnamon flavor), and worst of all…WATER. I couldn’t even sip it.
Cravings: I thought these would come on toward the end of pregnancy, but this happened around week 5. I loooove ketchup! I love anything with vinegar (salad dressing, pickles, pickled jalapenos, tangy barbecue sauce, buffalo sauce). Citrus fruits too. I could eat a lemon now. Anything acidic. And soft serve icecream!
Symptoms I dodged: I didn’t get every symptom in the book thankfully. I never had the extreme exhaustion that most women complain of. I actually felt energized enough to hit the gym about 4 times a week and still had enough energy left over to go for nightly long walks daily with my husband and Rocco. I was going to bed a little earlier, but I was far from narcoleptic. I didn’t get the crazy zit-mania (yay!).
Extra bonus things: My hair has been super shiny and full! My nails are growing like weeds. I think my eyelashes even got thicker! People are nicer to me since they have found out I have been carrying around a mini homosapien.
Awesome stuff: Hearing the heartbeat, seeing the baby on a screen at the ultrasounds, a new indescribable connection with my husband, getting to see people’s reaction when you share the big news, having mom-to-be chats with other moms-to-be, imagining what the baby will look like, sound like, etc. This photo was taken yesterday at our first trimester screening and I instantly fell in love:
Great reads so far: Belly Laughs & What to Expect When You’re Expecting
Cool Apps: What to Expect Pregnancy & Baby Center (my pregnancy)
Cool Websites: The, Baby,
My Brand Spankin’ New Pinterest Board For Baby: CLICK ME This board will probably grow exponentially now that the baby is public knowledge 😉
What are your crazy 1st trimester happenings? I want to know. Please tell me I’m not completely crazy. Do you have any advice or tips or something really nifty you want to share? Talk it out baby!
I read the big news on my phone last week and am so happy for you girl! What exciting news! AHHH!!! Congrats! 🙂
Thanks Hollie!
Love this – thanks for being so honest and not being a horror story spinner 😉 I don’t look forward to “morning sickness” I fear I’ll be like you and have it all day… my other fear is not having the ability to hold back when the cray creeps up. Thankfully I have time to prepare for this since I”m not pregnant yet.
Looking forward to reading more!! Congrats on keeping up with your gym workouts!
Hey Kell! There is no preparing lol! Nothing prepares you for the weird things your body will start to do. Now that the first trimester is over, I actually am starting to notice a little bump and the sickness has completely subsided! WooHoo! I can finally drink water! I feel like a human again 🙂 After seeing the baby’s face yesterday at my ultrasound, I’d barf all over again if I had to.
So fun! (except for the food aversions and morning sickness!) I hope your man is treating you like a Queen during this time! I’m so excited to someday, many years from now, get pregnant. I’m only psming right now but my hormones are making me an irritable beyotch, so I can only imagine the fury I’ll unless on the world when I’m pregnant someday. At least you have an excuse! Haha
Hi Christine! Yea, pregnancy feels like PMS gone wild!! Mr. FSL has earned the new job of nightly back rub giver. No complaints from him 🙂
It’s great to know you’re feeling better and the morning sickness as subsided for you and that you can get back to the new normal for you as you go through and have this miraculous experience. Because, truly, there is no other word for it!
P.S. Asparagus is always stinky! And gross! LOL!!! So, try not to feel too bad about missing it. Or, if you love it, eat it if you must. 😆
Yes, it really is a miraculous experience. It’s completely amazing.
I used to love asparagus, and I can’t even think about it haha so weird!
Congrats Mindy! So glad this is now out in the public sphere, Katie and I are thrilled for you guys! It’s a ton of work and a ton of fun. And while your lives will completely change, YOU will not 🙂
By the way, it looks like the placenta’s off to the right? That’s about a 97% chance it’s a boy 😛
Book recommendations!: “The Happiest Baby on the Block” by Dr. Harvey Karp (This is like the baby-calming bible)
And for Anthony, “The New Father” by Armin Brott, it’s like the only book for dad’s that’s not all, “Whoa dudebro you’re having a kid, high five!”
Thank you so much Matt! We are really excited about the newest addition to our crazy family! You should hear Papa’s name suggestions (Hector Achilles Parisi) and Nana’s (She loves the name Gregory).
Where did you hear about this placenta off to the right business?! I need to call you and get the details. Boy was my first instinct for the first 2.5 months. I was sooooo very sure. Then I thought I was too sure so it must be a girl!
Thank you for the book recommendations!! I think I’ll buy that one for Anthony for Father’s Day this year. That would be a cute gift. I’ll download the other book onto my Kindle tonight!
Hope all is well! Give Travis a smooch from his big cousin.
Will do! And call me any time, most of the fam has my numbers
I think Papa must’ve been watching Troy or reading some Greek mythology that day, haha. For the record, I thought Ivan was a badass name but I got overruled very quickly, haha.
HAHAH! Yeah Pop has some odd suggestions. I kind of like Ivan!
Mindy I am so excited for you!!! I love hearing people’s pregnancy stories and love that you
Have this blog to document how you are feeling physically and emotionally throughout…
It will be priceless to have later.
No crazy preggo stories here… I actually liked being preg (except for cray kankles that I’m not sure if you noticed but I had to wear sneakers to work for a month-nothing says sexy like a hot set of kankles!) but by far the best part of pregnancy is your (well mine for sure)
Husband’s reactions to this new world! Here’s just one ex.-looking for car seats and your husband says”ooh this one has a coffe holder” uh yeah dude- NO!!
Hi!! So glad you popped in! Since the sick part is just about over (it happens only sometimes) I’m enjoying it much more. I’m sure I’ll be in flip flops come September due to cankles. When did you tell the students? I want to wait as long as I could.
I wonder what genius invented the carseat with the coffee holder!! Hahah!
Congrats on the newest member of your family!!
Thanks T!!!