So, you guys know I love you right? The recipes I post are the ones I give the thumbs up to. This one has huge potential and seemed foolproof. I was inexplicably eager to make this once the idea popped into my fudge filled head. Unfortunately it ended disastrously.
I am posting it anyway in hopes that one of you brilliant people will leave a comment that tells me exactly what I did wrong so I can fix it then scarf down the entire thing in one sitting.
I grabbed 2 round cake pans. I filled one with a bagged chocolate chip cookie mix and the other with a boxed brownie mix and baked them.
Good start see?! I was way over confident at this point and may have even did a little victory dance about my genius idea. Seriously. Early celebration = not a good idea.
I let them both cool.
I took out a gallon of Moose Tracks icecream. Yep. The kind of icecream with fudge swirls and mini peanut butter cups in it. That one.
Once it got soft enough, I plopped it on top of the giant chocolate chip cookie.
Then I sandwiched it by placing the brownie on top.
See??? Potential. Did I mention this cake extravaganza was for my husband’s birthday party at my in-law’s house? Mmmmkay. The plot thickens.
I take the cake out of the freezer an hour later so I could frost it before we left for the party only to find this.
*Hangs head* Not sure what went wrong. In my panicked state, I scraped away the melty parts and frantically smeared peanut butter all over the sides.
Not much better. At this point I stopped taking pictures. I was NOT posting this because I didn’t want to showcase my epic fail. But I love ya. If you really love me, you have to see the ugly too right?
I smooshed M&M’s onto the peanut butter, but they all slid off. When I tried to cut into it, I think I needed a chainsaw! The cookie and the brownie were both hard as rocks!
Now, I am turning to you. What could I do to prevent this wonderful idea from going awry again? The potential is worth a re-do, but I need a different plan. Any ideas??
Aww. Even though it didn’t look beautiful, it probably still tasted ok! lol!
I’ve never made one of these cakes before, but have a similar recipe that says to use a spring form pan. Basically, bake the cake in their regular pans. After they’ve cooled, put the 1st cake layer in a spring form pan lined with wax paper. Freeze. Then let the ice cream melt a little. Spread it on to the frozen cake layer. Then freeze those 2 together. Then add the top cake layer. Freeze again. Then ice the cake or put whatever on top. Maybe that’d help?
LOL! I’ll take what I can get. I need an excuse to buy a spring form pan anyways 😉
that looks soooooooooo good!!!! YUM
Hmmm, it sounds like it would be so good! I have a couple of thoughts…I think that brownies and cookies usually freeze hard as rocks so maybe crumbling them up and doing the spring form idea above would help. Also, I’m guessing that the ice cream melted like that because often the lower cal ice creams have more air whipped in to them, so softening might make it more mushy. Totally guesses…good luck with the next one!
PS this is my first time commenting, though I’ve been reading for a while…and good luck with the pregnancy!
Thanks for the tip Joanna! I know I’ll try this again, I have to
stealborrow my mom’s spring form pan 😉 .I’m glad you commented! Do it more often, friends rock.xo