It doesn’t have the same nostalgic appeal as “My dog ate my homework” but I haven’t been a five-post-a-week blogger lately. Mr. FSL and I have been off skiing last week and the week before that. FSL’s post count has been suffering.
My mother actually looked at me last night with this sad look on her face and said quietly, “You haven’t been blogging lately…” Her voice sounded soft with a hint of disappointment.
“But I was skiing!”
She looked at me as if this was no kind of excuse and changed the subject.
Just for her, this week I’ll try to make it a five post week… unless it snows. I said I’ll try.
We went skiing in Killington, VT this past weekend. We always go to the same place because all of our ski buddies have houses up in the area. It’s really nice when you can go with a group of familiar faces. Mr. FSL has been skiing since he was younger. He’s an unbelievably talented athlete. In every sport he tries, he’s good. He’s easily one of the best skiers on the mountain at Killington. He’s definitely the best skier I’ve ever seen in person. Technically sound, style for miles, the boy is good.
Some mountain resorts have “sharpshooter” photographers stationed in certain areas. It’s nice because you can go online and see what you actually look like when you’re skiing or snowboarding.
Here’s Mr. FSL flexing his ski muscle.
See, I told you he has skills.
The problem with the sharpshooter photographs is you can actually see what you look like when you’re skiing! LOL! I’m not going to lie, I FEEL very cool when I ski. Not cool as in temperature. I mean, like SWAG-TASTIC x-games wannabe. Naturally I was so excited when my husband told me there were some sweet pics of us on the website! Until…
**scratches head**
A) Something suddenly went wrong with their camera lens
B) There’s some amateur wearing the same EXACT outfit as me
C) I don’t look as cool as I feel.
See…they need to check their equipment 😉
I’ve got to look on the bright side. I’ve gone from tumbling down the bunny slopes to skiing black diamonds without batting an eyelash. I learned from & married a really cute ski instructor 😉
What do you do that makes you feel really cool? Did you ever get surprised by how cool or un-cool you actually look doing that? I want some funny stories! Lurkers, DE-LURK! Life and blogs are much more fun when it’s a conversation 🙂
Lots of Hugs & (Eskimo)Kisses!
You look far cooler than I would, Id be flat on my face 🙂
Lol thank for the confidence boost!
Love the pics!
I know that OCCASIONALLY i feel cool when i’m dancing, however…..I KNOW that I don’t LOOK cool!!! (As seen on your wedding video for one) hahaha! Anyway, glad you and Ant are back – safe and sound.
LOL! Dancing is a tough thing in the looking cool depot, lol!
I have never skied before…..looks fun
by the way, you BOTH looK GREAT!!!!!!
Your pictures are awesome! I’ve never been skiing before, but it looks fun.
I think my “I think I look cool but I really don’t” thing would be dancing. It doesn’t stop me though (in my room with the blinds closed). 🙂
LOL! Yeah, I feel cool dancing, then I saw our wedding video…yikes!
Oh it looks like you all are having so much fun! You totally look cool!!
LOL! I knew I liked you Alicia! Thanks girl!
You look like a pro…..because you aren’t laying out flat on your face…like I would be.
I have never been skiing. I’m not coordinated and I’m a chicken…Nate doesn’t think that is a good combo so he won’t take me skiing! 😛
Hmm, I had the opposite problem! Years ago, my husband would take me (I had noooo clue what I was doing, but I’ll try anything!) down black diamond trails and I would just tumble down!
AHAHA. I think you look awesome girl! I am terrible at sking so I’m pretty jealous. I hear VT is so great for it!
Yea it’s the only place on the east coast that we go to 🙂
I must say I know this post is from last year but everytime I read it I laugh. Its fantastic.
Glad you found it comical 😛