Remember our agony over what to do with the monstrosity of a wall which spans the width of the entire house? If not, hear that rambling here and here.
This our very own Wall O’ Doom, and my personal nemesis.
And yes, I do realize we have other things that need revamping in this area. Ahem, the hideous spotlight fan that came complete with granny hanging flower basket cord pull ….And we unscrewed 2 lightbulbs from it because we were blinded every time we ate dinner…And that eyesore of an air conditioning unit in the middle of the wall. We are getting central air this summer, and that thing will be long gone!
Well, I was stuck on putting up shelves ala Young House Love for this wall.
Since our house faces north by north east (I was a brownie girl scout for a year 😉 ) we do not get that much light in our house. When the sun is hitting the other side of the wall, the inside of our house is still dark, especially in our kitchen.
It would look something like this (use your imagination)…
Hopefully with light like this!
What do you guys think?? Any other suggestions?
Wow that is a great idea. I think it will add a lot more light and light rooms are never a bad thing. I wish I could some more windows in my room here ha. 😉
Good idea, it will add more light for sure. Other option is a big picture or mirror.
I think it will look beautiful!!!
Fantasticcccccccccc idea!
Yeah, window would make a huge difference.
A large mirror would reflect the light from the other windows and make the room look lighter as well. Or even empty window frames with lights on the wall. Something along these lines –
Too bad you can’t put in a skylight. There is something about light flooding into a room from above. If you’re going with white shelving, it may be nice to have shutters. We have them and they are really good for conserving energy (less heating/less AC). You don’t have the drapery option, but it adds a clean look to the house.
We have a skylight in our bathroom & it had a leak in it, so we ruled that out. I like the idea also, but it’s not worth the possibility of the headache.
I’m excited to see what you do! Love the photoshopped window. 🙂
haahahaha Love it! Wish adding windows were as simple in reality! Good luck and it will look beautiful! You’ve got a great taste..I’ve seen it all over your blog 😉
Thanks 😀 I know it’s going to be a process, but it will be worth it.