Challenge question: Tell 30 interesting facts about yourself.
Well, I’m not sure if these will be intersting, but I promise they will be random.
1. I consider chocolate to be a food group
2. I have an odd habit of “collecting” random things. Maybe I lose these items the most, but I find multiples of: nail clippers, tweezers, aprons, table runners, and old books.
3. I only enjoy flavored coffee. I hate the flavor shots, the coffee grounds have to be flavored. I used to flavor my own coffee every morning by adding 1t of unsweetened cocoa powder to the grounds.
4. I am one of 17 grand children on my mother’s side
5. I used to think I was Red from Fraggle Rock for about 2 years because I wore huge fluffy side ponytails.
6. I used to wear knee high purple snow boots & carry around a glittery sword every single time She-Rah was on TV.
7. I have really small feet (size 5 1/2)
8. Named my dog Rocco because that’s Madonna’s son’s name. Get that random justification here.
9. I get sucked into home decorating blogs for hours. I found this one today! It’s
10. My God daughter Karina calls me Pooh Bear, actually she says Pooh Beah
11. I can touch my nose with my tongue
12. I was Homecoming Queen, Prom Queen, & cheerleading captain (so cliche)
13. My high school cheer squad competed in Nationals in Disney World. This was the best vacation! I was on a trip with 17 of my friends. Awesome experience.
14. I unapolagetically quote 80’s movies in public.
15. I went to Vegas for my 21st birthday and decided to go 2 days before. (I won $2000 playing craps!) Impulsive much???
16. I still read my college physics books because I find it fascinating.
17. I hate doing mundane (but necessary) tasks like getting gas, doing the laundry, and buying cleaning supplies. Hate it.
18. I brush my dog’s teeth with wisps at night. Not kidding.
19. I used to take tap, ballet, jazz & acrobatics lesson for 11 years
20. For 3 of those years, my bff, 2 other girls & my dance teacher would ride the train to NYC and take classes all day at The Broadway Dance Center.
21. I took a ballet class with Karen Lynn Gorney (the lady who played John Travolta’s dance partner in Saturday Night Fever).
22. I was a brain child when I was in elementary school. Seriously.
23. I’m the designated makeup arteest for my friends & family. I considered doing that as a profession, but I changed my mind.
24. I played the clarinet for 3 years. I was last chair in band. For those of you that don’t know what that means, it’s the worst player in the band. LOL!
25. In 5th grade I had my own fortune telling business, a year later I had a temporary tatoo business, a sledding business, and a scarf making business with my cousin. We thought we were gonna rake in the dough. Wow.
26. I’ve had the same friends since I was in diapers.
27. I have to force myself to drink water. It has to be room temperature. I can’t drink cold water. Yuck!
28. I am late for everything
29. I think I’m a 15 year old trapped in a 28 year old’s body
30. I took a metalworking class in college & know how to solder
Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Min, you are funny, fascinating, and very interesting!
Those are some lil feet you got! I used to play the flute, was never first nor last chair though. And I used to be a cheerleader in HS, was in color guard and also went to Disney with “the band” in HS, fun trip!
Question: Do you like your current job now better than being a makeup artist for your friends and family?
Yes and no. My current job has responsibility. Makeup is like painting on a unique canvas (a face). Plus, I get paid snow days now 😉
I am still their makeup artist lol!
oh goodness, we are quite similar. Love the fraggle rock comment! Thats the best.
And yes, cold water is not my thing.
That’s why I think you’re such a cool chick 😉
love the whips thing! I hate dog breath!
I’m with you on #9…thanks for adding another one to my already too long list. 😛 My husband told me that I need an intervention.
And how does your dog let you brush his teeth?? I have a doggy tooth brush but it always ends in a battle!
It’s not the doggie toothbursh it’s the wisp. They’re really small, and it tastes minty not lke “beef” – ew. The battle is inevitable, but I sit him on my lap, lift one side of his mouth and GENTLY brush. His breath has been funkadelic lately, my husband probably thinks I completely out of my mind. LOL
wahhhhhhhh I LOVE posts like these!!! SO neat about your cheerleading championship at Disney… that must’ve been a dream! And I still read my college texts too sometimes… i’m a huge nerd! haaaa. (maybe I should spend more time reading my grad school books instead… yeah. that might be a good idea…)
Oh, and I added you to my blogroll. B.c. i freakin’ LOVE your blog!
Thanks Peach!
I don’t like cold water either!!
I love this!
I feel the same way about being a 15 year old but only trapped in a 31 y/o’s body. You have very tiny feet! Saturday Night Fever is one of my favorite movies and cds–interesting fact though I always wondered whatever happened to her! I agree with chocolate-it should be a food group and Fraggle Rock rocks!
That lady has naturally red hair. I know this because she also doesn’t shave ger armpits! I was freaked out by this encounter! LOL!!