Amy at TheSceneFromMe tagged yours truly as a blog she enjoyed. So thank you Miss Amy! I’m flattered. She gave me 10 questions to answer & I have to come up with 10 blogs I’m lovin and 10 new questions for them. Here goes nothing.
1. If you were on a deserted island and could only have 3 items, what would they be?
(I’d say my husband and dog, but I wouldn’t call them items) I’d bring chapstick with spf 50, a hair elastic, & a good pair of shoes

2. If you had to only eat one food item for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Duh! Chocolate.
3. Are any of the walls in your house painted your favorite color?
I have a degree in art, so it’s hard for me to play favorites in the color department. I used to have a bright yellow bedroom! Pineapple Under The Sea yellow to be exact. It was a Nickelodeon paint (yes, I was 21 when I chose that color, and I still love it). Yellow is my happy color.
4. Would you rather have a piece of pie, a cupcake, a cookie, a bar, or piece of cake on your birthday? Cupcake for sure. Coconut cupcake specifically.
5. How much time do you spend blogging every day (including reading and commenting on other blogs)?
I plea the fifth
6. If you could choose to live on a beach, in the mountains, in the woods, or in a big city, which would it be?
A beach city!
7. Favorite band from your teenage years?
I’m going to pick one from each genre.
Hip Hop: Biggie Smalls
Grunge: Tie between Pearl Jam & Nirvana
Classic: tie between Jimi Hendrix & The Doors
Dance: Jonathan Peters
Sorry, I was all over the place in high school. I literally liked everything!
8. What is your favorite smells? Freshly cut grass
9. If you could have any job in the world, what would it be?
I would take Anthony Bourdain’s job
10. What is your worst personality trait?
Jeez, I could list a bunch, but if I had to choose one, I’d pick procrastination.
Well, there you have it. I have to tag a few bloggers next.
1. Jamie at FoodInRealLife
2. Nancy at Nancy’sPerfect10
3. Michelle at LifeWithACrazyPup
4. Chad & Amy at TriangleHoneymoon
5. Becca at IHeartEggs
6. Holly at lolzthatswim
7. Dawn at HealthySDLiving
Here are your questions….
1. If you could change your name, what would it be?
2. If you could trade places for 1 day with anyone, who? Why?
3. What’s your favorite midnight snack?
4. What’s your favorite drink?
5. What was your favorite Finding Silver Linings post? Why?
6. If you could walk into Bergdorf’s and choose ANY 1 item, what would it be?
7. If you score 2 front row tickets to your favorite concert, which singer/band is it?
8. Describe yourself in 1 word
9. If you were a superhero, what would be your magic power?
10. If you could have a conversation with anyone living or dead who whould it be?
Yay! Thanks for tagging me! I’m so busy at work today that I kept thinking I didn’t have time for a nice long post, so this is just perfect! Can’t I just tag you back?? 🙂
I retagged a few people too, but then I started laughing because it is going to turn into a tag circle! LOL!
Thanks Mindy for answering the questions! I loved reading all your answers 🙂
And now you’ve introduced me to more fabulous blogs to read! Thank you!!!
Thank you Sweet Pea!
Hey lady! Thanks for the tag, we’ll be sure to share some love and info soon!
Sweet! Looking forward to your answers =)
Thanks lady! 🙂