When I was 17, I started a long list of things I want to do or accomplish before I kick the bucket. You can check that out riiiiight here.
I need goals if I want to ever do anything. I know my faults. One major flaw is that I am the Queen of Procrastination. Setting goals have been a huge help in this battle to end my procrastinating ways.
I’ve been editing and revising this list for years. Each time I cross something off, I can add another life enriching experience to my list.
Do you guys have anything on your bucket list?
Wahhhh! You’ve slept under the stars in the desert? Way cool… I’d love to hear the story!
A girlfriend of mine that used to live in SanDiego lived with a few friends. A couple of their boyfriends owned dirt bikes & used to ride them in the desert. About 10 of us went for a trip to the desert and ended up building a bonfire there and slept in sleeping bags and sweatshirts (it was freezing at night). It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. There is no light pollution there, so you could see virtually every star! What’s on your list?
I want to run a marathon before I kick the bucket. I made a list back in high school now that I think about it. I actually think I’m going to look around for that.
I wrote mine in high school. I found it 7 or 8 years later, and it was pretty amazing to see that I actually accomplished a bunch of things on the list. It was funny to see some of the goals I had set for myself even at such a young age. Dig it up Hols & share it here!
One thing that is for sure on my bucket list is to get to Bora Bora and Tahiti in the South Pacific. I really want to stay in one of those overwater bungalows that have a hole in the floor with a clear covering that you can view the fish thru 😉 Plus the pictures I’ve seen are beautiful!
Funny. That was my dream honeymoon! You should check out Phuket (poo-ket not @#&! it 🙂 ), Thailand. Same amazing scenery, and costs a lot less. Good luck lady!
Oh, I’m starting my list RIGHT NOW! Thanks for the inspiration!
PS: I think some items on my list will be the same as some on yours. I hope you don’t mind. 🙂
I don’t mind at all! I’d like to see what’s on your list!!