Ski season is just around the corner, and if I want to get better, I need more muscle in my lower half. I have a pancake butt, so for the past few months I’ve been doing glute intensive workouts twice a week to give it a boost and hopefully have some more power in the snow. This is what today’s workout looked like:
smith machine lunges 3 sets, 8 reps, 75-90lbs
leg press (feet high & wide on the plate) 3 sets, 10reps, 250lbs
sumo squats 3 sets, 10 reps, 45lbs
back hyperextensions 3 sets, 10 reps, bodyweight
cable kickbacks 3 sets, 10 reps, 25lbs each leg
When my legs feel like Jell-o at the end of a workout I know I pushed myself pretty hard. Nothin like breakin a sweat!
Sounds like you’re on the right track. I will tell you that I went snowboarding once (which I realize is NOT the same as skiing) and if it’s ANYTHING like snowboarding, I have never been more sore in my whole entire life.
I think even my eyelashes were sore.
I’ve been skiing for a few years now, but I am not an expert by any means. If I’m stronger, I’ll have more control and hopefully fall less!