Buying a shower gift for a first time mom is easy. There’s usually a registry and you can just go from there. For babies after the first, it gets a little tough to find a good gift. My sister is having her second baby and I have been shopping up a storm! I’ve compiled a list of gift ideas at any price point to make shopping for a sprinkle a little easier -I got you covered!
This is an obvious one because diapers are always needed. I’d steer clear of the newborn size (some babies are born over 8 pounds which means they skip newborn sizes altogether). Babies are in size 2 the longest so I’d opt for those. It’s not the most fun or creative gift, but it’s always appreciated and always used. Get them here.
Gift cards

You might think picking out cute outfits and clothes for the baby to be is the right way to go. As a mother of two, I am going to point out that what you think is cute, the baby mama may not think so. I spent an embarrassing amount of time online shopping on my maternity leave or just casually strolling around Target buying things for baby. Gift cards are the best! They won’t be the crowd pleaser gift that brings oohs and ahhhs, but mom will undoubtedly be excited. I’d recommend a gift card to Target, Amazon, or Walmart where they sell a multitude of baby items.
Photography session

Let’s face facts here, the first baby usually has the full blown photo shoot newborn session, the cake smash photo session, and other milestones documented by a professional photographer. The second baby usually gets a fraction of that good footage. A gift to have family portraits taken is a perfect one.
Travel crib

Second babies tend to be more on the go than the first. This portable bassinet doubles as a travel diaper bag. I wish I had one of these when I had Dante. I can’t tell you the countless times we would be out and had to have him nap in his carseat or on a blanket somewhere. This travel bassinet is awesome and gender neutral. $59 here.
Personalized stuff
Second babies tend to get a lot of hand me downs from siblings. It’s a nice feeling when the new baby has something just for them. Personalized items are a great way to make your gift feel extra thoughtful. Etsy has a zillion things that you can personalize. A swaddle is a great idea to pack in a hospital bag for those birth announcement pictures. Here’s a link to the swaddle above.
Restaurant or grocery gift card

Sure making a freezer meal is a nice thought, but a gift card to a great local take out spot or local grocer that delivers is better. Mom can order whatever she wants whenever she wants it. Uber Eats is another great option. Better yet, mom and dad could have a much needed date night on you!
Amazon Prime MOM membership

If mommy to be doesn’t have a Prime mom membership, she doesn’t know the pure joy of free two day shipping. The Prime Mom membership includes an additional 20% off of diapers and wipes. It’s free for the first three months, too. Show her the light.
Great ideas!!!