What can I say, we’re kind of festive peeps over here at casa FSL. We love a reason to celebrate. Here’s what we have going on around our house for Halloween…
$5 Styrofoam skull? Check. Pedestal cake dome? Check.
I dug up my craft paint, some self adhesive bling & glammed out a pumpkin for our entryway.
Because bling makes everything better, mmmmkay?
I always wanted a mantle to decorate. Until I win that 3 year we-NEED-a-fireplace-and-mantle-so-I-can-decorate-it argument with a certain man who shall remain nameless, I pretend that this is my mantle. With glitter, obvi.
Our new-ish ladder shelf has a few fall details to freshen it up.
Even our bathroom is in the spirit 🙂
It’s not like Max needed any extra allure of the toilet. His latest mission in life is to splash in the toilet. I swear the kid travels at warp speed when he sees any bathroom door open.
Do you have any go to Halloween decor? Does your kid play in the toilet? I wanna know…
I love your glam, black pumpkin! I’ve only got two pumpkins… that my mom bought for me. I lost my Halloween decor when I moved and any extra money I have is spent on clothes for the kiddo. I’m kind of obsessed with it lately. A little too obsessed.
I only have two pumpkins. They’re both real and I will have to kiss this one goodbye when I see the first fruit fly lol
I’m loving the cake plate/skull deal!! Now to just find me a skull…
& little Max just steals my heart!! (even if he does play in the toilet) <3