My best friend in the whole world Jackie is due to have her 2nd daughter any day now. Over at casa FSL, we couldn’t be more excited to meet her!!! Baby Alexandria is a lucky girl, because she gets her big sister Karina’s hand-me-down baby gear and amazing wardrobe. Since big sister had a full-blown baby shower 3 years ago, Jackie didn’t want another shower. While those teeny outfits that are being passed down to her are adorable, a girl needs some brand new things of her own. Together with 2 of my other friends, we decided to throw the beautiful mommy-to-be a sprinkle 🙂 . Baby Alexandria’s nursery theme is pink, white and black.
So we chose to go with a zebra & pink theme for the party.
I decked out the ole chalkboard wall for the occasion.
We set up a drink station.
Buffet table was set! Lindsey made zebra print pasta salad!
We got a little carried away with our color theme lol! All of the desserts were pink black or white! Here are my zebra cheesecake brownie bites fresh out of the oven… my baking sheets are in bad shape ever since a recent cookie experiment.
And Nicolle’s festive coconut topped cupcakes! They were monogrammed with an “A” for Alexandria in chocolate.
I made chocolate covered oreos drizzled with pink chocolate for favors and put them in festive pink animal print bags.
Mommy and big sister are what I like to call “Glitter Girls”. They are girlie through and through. Sparkles, ruffles, you name it, they like it. In addition to gifts, we hosted a Baby Glitz demonstration party. Guests could buy handmade over-the-top frilly, bedazzled baby diva clothes for the new baby or give a small “gift donation” so Jackie can choose what she’d like.
I can’t wait to do a follow-up post with pictures of the new baby! I’m going to do a newborn photo shoot with her dressed up in some of her new jazzy clothes!
Did you ever throw a shower? Do you get way out of control with the party theme?
Being able to experience the sprinkle first hand I couldn’t have asked for anything better. The food was great, decorations were awesome and Alexandria has the top of the line baby diva wardrobe! I must say the girls really out did themselves! Couldn’t be more thankful to have a best friend like Mindy! Xoxo
How can I contact Baby Glitz?