Eat, drink & be merry! That’s my philosophy as to what a kitchen should feel like. I grew up in a household where the kitchen is the heart of the home. It was (and still is) the numero uno hang out spot. It’s where we share our daily recap, we try my crazy food concoctions, and sip the occasional glass of Cabernet 😉
In my quest to cheer up and modernize the kitchen in our new place, I have been on the hunt for some inexpensive & do-able inspiration. Dana from House*Tweaking has really struck a chord with me lately (see previous post).
I am in love with this canvas art she created for her house:
I just felt inspired to make my own version for my kitchen when I saw this.
Here’s the bare wall that I’ve been randomly decorating throughout the past few months (see those decorations here and here).

I didn’t have any loose canvas, but I did have a white stretched canvas in my attic.
This is my interpretation.
I sketched the words in pencil first.
Since I don’t own a projector (like Dana used for her awesomness) I had to attempt this free hand. I did have a straight edge to help keep the lines crisp, and a measuring tape to help with the spacing.
A little bit of black acrylic paint goes a long way. I like acrylic because it dries really fast.
This photo was taken when the paint was still a bit wet, so I couldn’t erase the pencil marks. I’ll do that today.
I think I’m going to add a bunch of black, white, & yellow pictures around the canvas to make the wall a bit more interesting (and add that pop of yellow that I loooove :))
More recent…and dry photo lol!
FABULOUS! You are quite the DIYer I can’t wait to see all your projects as they unfold. I love that saying and I think it fits perfectly in the kitchen! Well done.
Thanks Kelly! I’m a new DIYer. I love that saying too, it reminds me of that Dave Matthews song. Thanks for stopping in!
WOW! LOVE IT! dare i say…. Winning! hahaha
Duh! Winning! LOL!
Love it!!
Thanks Nik!
Very cute!
I love those signs. Big bold print makes me happy!
Me too! I like words as art.
Ok now I’m totally fricken impressed. :-O
LOL! Thanks!
Love it love it! You’ve done an awesome job…you know, free hand and all. Kudos!
The words are perfect for the kitchen 🙂
Thank you Tien!!
OK, freehand, now that is really awesome. I love it. And “Eat Drink and Be Merry!” Now that is the perfect slogan. Just what you want to see when you come into someone’s house.
When we go out with friends, we either start off the night at our house, or end the night here with all our friends. We are usually eating, drinking, & being merry 🙂 Just reading it makes me happy.
That is definitely the theme for my life, I love your art!
Diggin the white, black and yellow color scheme ideas you have as well…..loooooove that color combo!
Thanks! I love the color combo too. I have green kitchen walls, so the yellow & green look fresh & citrusy.
You’ve been busy!! I’m impressed you did that free hand…turned out great!!
I also love the “winning” comments. I love the train wreck that is Charlie!
LOL! I knew somebody would catch that one. My mother wrote that!! She thinks it;s hysterical because I always come up with these phrases and say them all the time. Winning just happened to be one of them about 2 or 3 years ago. Now that everyone is saying it (making fun of Charlie Sheen) it makes her think about me being a weirdo! LOL!
Very impressive! Nice handiwork 🙂
Thank Amy! By the way, I’ll be scouring your blog for an easy recipe. I’m having company tomorrow night for dessert & you’re the go-to girl!